Baby Yoda
Made for the Weekly CG challenge’s facebook group. The topic was baby star wars character, a topic like that is just too good to pass over! 😀 Got first place. December 2015
Unfinished Dragon project. heh
A short film I made. A HUGE learning experience for me and still one of the things I am most proud of. 🙂
Scifi Guy
Another one for Blenderguru science fiction competition. I like this one less than the steampunk but it got finalist so I still don’t know how to think about that. 2015~
What? It’s a tetrahedron floating in the sky. Throwback to 2015
From the fall of 2015. I remember making this on Thanksgiving.
Steampunk Horse
Made for the Blenderguru steampunk of 2015. This was my first big project after learning blender for a year. Many mistakes but I still consider this a huge milestone! Unfortunately I don’t have the files anymore. 🙁